Murder conviction reduced to manslaughter


Edwin Hernan Castillo, convicted of murder some two years ago, recently saw that conviction set aside and replaced with one of manslaughter by the judges of the Court of Appeal. Castillo was accused of the June 14, 2012 murder of Alberto Ack, a friend of his. It is said that before the fatal stabbing, Ack and Castillo were socializing in Yo Creek Village in the Orange Walk District. The men got into a dispute and that is when Castillo reportedly stabbed Ack in the chest. In 2017, Castillo was found guilty and on May 25, 2017, he was sentenced to twenty-five years.
The appealed decision was given on Friday, November 1, 2019 after Castillo’s attorney, Anthony Sylvester, submitted nine grounds of appeal. Of those nine, only one was taken to court after Senior Crown Counsel for the DPP, Sheneiza Smith, conceded to that ground. That ground stated that the trial judge, Justice Herbert Lord, erred by failing to take all relevant matters into account in determining whether Castillo had intent to kill.
As he awaits his new sentence, Castillo was remanded back to the Belize Central Prison.