Belize City Primary Schools Volleyball to begin


The 2009-2010 Belize City Primary Schools Volleyball Competition is scheduled to commence on Monday September 28, 2009, at the Belize City Centre. This year’s competition will feature 18 schools with teams in both the female and male division.

The schools participating are: Queen Square Anglican, Stella Maris, Holy Redeemer, St.Ignatius, St. Martin’s De Porres, All Saints, St. John’s Primary School, Ebenezer Methodist, Belize Elementary, Hummingbird Elementary, St. Luke Methodist, Ephesus Seventh Day Adventist, James Garbutt Seventh

Day Adventist, Muslim Community, Salvation Army, Trinity Methodist, St. John Vianney and Central Christian School.

The defending Belize City champion in the female competition is Hummingbird Elementary School, and in the male category the defending champion is St. John Vianney.