First Caribbean International Bank Delivers 2nd Tranche to YBTB


April 24, 2009 – Youth Business Trust Belize received its second tranche of BZ ,000 from First Caribbean International Bank. Glen Smith, representing the bank, made the presentation this morning on Channel 5’s Morning Show, Open Your Eyes. He presented the cheque to the Chairman of Youth Business Trust Belize (YBTB), Shaun Finnetty.

The first tranche of BZ $20,000 was delivered in January 2008 at YBTB’s first official fundraiser which was held at the Brown Sugar Marketplace. First Caribbean International Bank pledged its commitment to Youth Business Trust Programmes, not only in Belize, but throughout the Caribbean. The commitment of $10,000 will again be delivered in 2010 as a three year commitment totaling $40,000.  First Caribbean sees the benefits of youth development through poverty and crime alleviation. This money will be used to bridge the counterpart funding gap for the programme.


Youth Business Trust Belize is a program offering young persons between the ages of 18-35 assistance in starting their own businesses. The program offers loan financing, training and the ever important component, mentoring, which guides the young person’s business on the road to success.

Those who have pledged their commitment to the program, which is being funded by the Inter American Development Bank, have made a serious investment in the future of Belize. The program, which follows the Youth Business International model started by Prince Charles of Wales, boasts of a vast network of thirty eight countries worldwide.