Disrespecting the Flag

Flag was waved upside down
Flag was waved upside down

Flag was waved upside downOn Tuesday, July 9th church organizations once again gathered to protest the Gender Policy but it seems that the great disrespect, which was done to the nation must have slipped observers as they must have been more preoccupied with who was participating in the so-called “Constitutional March.” Participant after participant lined up and were issued with the Belizean flag. Then, they must have been instructed to turn the Belize flag upside down. Imagine, a national symbol being taken and disrespected in this manner.

The question must be, this: to what end is this being done and who was it that hatched up this affront to our national pride? It must be understood that the flag is a country’s standard and must at all times be respected.

Making matters worse is that children are being used as instruments to carry this most defiling of tasks. Instead of children being taught to respect the flag as one of our national symbols, they are being taught that it is all right, to in a public manner, disrespect it. And then they say they are marching for the Constitution.

We can understand that people have a right to demonstrate for whatever reason, but to be disrespectful to the nation while doing so is simply intolerable. For people to be following some crazy individual who could have thought up such a harebrained idea gives us time for pause. It also gives us the opportunity to warn those following and even those carrying out the disrespectful exercise to please consider what they are doing and who it is they are following.