Health authorities respond to 3 Flu-like cases in Belize


Ministry of Health officials are on the ball as it relates to the Swine Flu outbreak, and in speaking with Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Health Dr. Peter Allen, he explained to the Guardian that health authorities are following up closely on three cases of people displaying flu-like symptoms.

Allen says there is no reason for alarm and explained that of the three cases one occurred in Belize City, one in San Pedro and the other in Corozal. While there is no reason for alarm, Dr. Allen says that the health authorities are monitoring all three cases closely. He says that one of the persons presenting the symptoms came in to seek medical attention while the other two were actually followed up on by the health authorities.

Because of the nature of the outbreak, Dr. Allen explains that this is the kind of thing that health authorities will be doing to ensure that an outbreak does not occur in Belize. Authorities take each report extremely seriously and attend to them as such. He adds that for every case of persons being ill with a flu like infection there are procedures that automatically kick in to profile the patient as it relates to age, where the person has been, where he/she works and things of that nature.

Dr. Allen says that all three patients have been sent home after having been looked at by medical personnel, but they will be followed up on.