George + Said + John = 0

Said Musa
Said Musa

Said Musa
Said Musa
Johnny Briceno
Johnny Briceno
Reliable information to the Guardian newspaper is that the People’s United Party, in typical fashion of wasting money as if it grows on trees, paid a PUP friendly bus company almost 50 thousand dollars for the rental of 20 buses to bring people for the Said Musa case being heard at the Supreme Court.

Thing is that despite the blowing away of money the most the PUP could bring out was some 50 or so supporters who stood inside the Battlefield Park in front of the Supreme Court. Information is that of six villages that the PUP trawled in the Cayo district the best they could do was come up with eight individuals.

What’s more, constituents of Musa in the Fort George division were a no show; our understanding is that one Henry Charles still owes them for the last time they went out for Said in Belmopan when he was originally charged for theft at the Magistrate’s Court in that municipality. Not having paid for the support given the last time has resulted in no one coming out in Belize City. The rationale here is that the PUP only pays people to go out when it is a matter of leaving the district. We can only guess that those who usually get paid to support, see it differently. We imagine that they expect to get paid every time they go out to support hence their no-show.

It is interesting that on Saturday April 25 at a National Party Council meeting of the PUP, in clannish fashion the party decided to temporarily put aside differences in an effort to try to muster enough support for the leadership of both the old and the new PUP. It is no secret that the so called old and new guard have been at each other’s throat trying to wrest power from one another. More than the old and the new fighting with one another there is an enemy within in the person of Mark Espat who sits back and sees the old and the new fighting and calculating for him to take over leadership of the party.

In closer observation of what is taking place with the P

George Price
George Price
UP, we are left to determine that both Musa and Briceno are at an uneasy truce all for self-serving reasons. On Saturday it was the battle cry that the PUP must come out to support Musa at his Supreme Court judicial review hearing. In an effort to stave off the wolves from within, Briceno unwillingly agreed and in so doing has alienated the Orange Walk Central executive who it appears ‘no deh with Johnny’. After all in court arguments it is plain to be seen that the defence attorneys are laying the blame of what happened with the Venezuelan grant squarely at the feet of Amalia Mai who serves as a Briceno’s confidant. While already Briceno can hardly muster enough support for himself he’s forsaken all and has made a truce with the devil all to keep Espat at bay, forsaking the very people who are closest to him.

So in court, despite the presence of past PUP leaders: George Price, Said Musa, and the current leader Johnny Briceno the support for Musa was minimal. To quote Kenny Morgan “there is no old PUP or New PUP, there is No PUP!” and we conclude that George+Said+John = 0.