Born or chosen orientation?
This is the sixty-four thousand dollar question. If born, what or who is the source? If chosen, what is the cause? Bible-believing Christians acknowledge divine condemnation of the practice but manifest divine love towards homosexuals with a desire for their repentance and redemption.
Equalizing homosexuality
with all other sins
It is an aged-old concept that sin is sin with no difference in how God sees it and deals with it. This outbreak of the Unibam agenda is cause for a fresh look at this concept of sin. It is scripturally evident that the practice of any sinful lifestyle separates the sinner from fellowship with God. Furthermore, sin in this natural world which God created has natural consequences; and not all sins have the same consequences (cf. Romans 1:26-28) The commandments of God are given on the one hand for our obedience in providing access into fellowship with Him, and on the other hand to protect us from the natural and social consequences of disobedience to His commandments.
The finality of God’s judgment on the sins of men and women
“You cannot teach homosexuality as sin” was a recent attempt to make that aberration a law in Canada. Because homosexuality was clearly the most abominable sin of Sodom, it became not the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back, but the gross aberration that filled their cup of iniquity to the brim and brought divine destruction of the city.
We remember the record of God’s destruction of the antediluvian world with a flood, save eight in the ark. Jesus said that as it was in the days of Noah so will God’s judgment be at the end. Could this open propagation and proliferation of homosexuals and their supporters be the beginning of the end in filling this world’s cup of iniquity? Whether our persuasion is a pre or post-tribulation return of Christ, as Christians we do believe in the consummation of all things pertaining to this world, our final salvation, and a final judgment of the wicked.
Reprobation and compassion
Remember how God told the prophet Jonah to declare His judgment on the people of Nineveh, and how the whole city repented in sackcloth and ashes, and how God spared them. The love of God shed abroad in the hearts of those who are truly His reaches out to even those of a reprobate mind. The God who spared Nineveh will spare those who truly repent.
Atheists and Agnostics
It is heartbreaking to observe the mentality of some in this country, even some who are born and bred in Belize and have been exposed to Christian teachings but are now, in their educated and perverted opinion, openly maligning the Bible and the Church, relegating them to the realm of hypocrisy, ridicule and mockery. In terms of human understanding some things in the Bible, especially taken out of context, can be made to appear ridiculous, especially to the carnal and natural mind which prefers its own way instead of God’s will and way. The Scripture says it well in 1 Corinthians 2:14: “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned (KJV)” Our hearts go out to them in love, a prayer and a plea for them to consider their ways and seek the Lord while He may be found.
Admittedly, there are many who profess to be Christian but whose lives belie their profession. Jesus called some of His day hypocrites. But let me repeat what I wrote in another article: The Church of Jesus Christ will endure! Our Lord Himself said, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18) Amen! His Church is being built according to a blueprint prepared by the Supreme Architect, and the materials which go into its construction are divinely monitored. When it is finished it won’t be “the house that Jack built”; it will be the Church that Jesus built. It will be the Church Triumphant for evermore!