The House sitting in which the Revenue Appropriation Bill is debated is like the Super Bowl for Parliamentarians. It happens once a year and everyone tries to perform their best at the event. Some of the most memorable moments in national politics take place at such sittings because representatives use the stage to launch their best attack.
The budget presented by Prime Minister Barrow this year is considered by some to be the best budget in Belize’s history. Unfortunately, it was the least touched subject in the debate. Perhaps the reason for that is because the opposition would see no gain in debating a Pro-Poor Budget that features more social development programs than ever before. Instead they focused their presentations on projects that the government has yet to accomplish- choosing to be blind to the fact that in only three years this administration has completed more impactful infrastructural projects than they had done in ten years.
By his standards, the Leader of the Opposition’s presentation was impressive- not because of the content but because he finally proved that he can read with expression. There was not much substance in the piece. The misrepresentation of the truth and manipulation of figures confirms to the PUP presentation guidelines. Those guidelines, of course, are mastered by the member from Fort George. He does not only misrepresent the truth. He is prone to spread blatant lies and his presentation in the House shows that he has not reformed one bit. Even after being corrected, Said Musa repeated the statement “there were 326 murders last year alone”. The truth is that there were 129 murders which is not an acceptable amount but it is no way near 326.
Their leader is a hypocrite and their former/future leader is an unrepentant liar. Therefore, it is not surprising that the member from Albert and the member from Lake I are trying to disassociate themselves from their colleagues. As a result, the loudest statement made on the Opposition’s side is the silence that came from the empty chairs held by Mark Espat and Cordel Hyde. Their inexcusable absence was a planned protest against the leader and leadership of their party. They know the importance of the budget debate and their job to represent the people of their constituency. However, they saw it more important to express their displeasure with Johnny Briceno.
Prime Minister Barrow is right. Johnny Briceno as Leader of the Opposition is the United Democratic Party’s best electoral asset.