Deliveryman killed, three injured in gangland crossfire

Derrick King

A brazen daylight shooting on Cemetery Road in Belize City has resulted in the murder of a Bowen and Bowen deliveryman and the hospitalization of three other victims. The victim, 22-year-old Derrick King is another Belize City resident who died to gun violence, and he is also the seventh victim who lost his life in the crime wave that has hit the country in these past five days.
Police say that at around 3:15 p.m on Tuesday, March 17th, 2020, they received intelligence that a shooting occurred at the corner of Cemetery Road and West Street. When they arrived, they found Derrick King, a resident of Faber’s Road, on the street corner. He was on the ground motionless, and the officer observed several gunshot injuries on his body.
The cops were also informed that three other persons were injured in the same shooting and that they were transported to the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. So, they visited the KHMH, and that’s where they found 48-year-old Francine Wade, a resident of Campus Avenue; 20-year-old Haywood Brown, a resident of Lake I; and 38-year-old Clifford Oliver, a resident of Cemetery Road. All three were being treated for gunshot injuries that they had suffered in the same incident.
What police investigation has revealed so far is that at around 3:10 p.m. that evening, King and Brown were on a delivery mission on Cemetery Road for their company, Bowen and Bowen. That’s when two gunmen rushed and opened fire on them both. Both King and Brown were hurt, but King’s injuries were far more severe. He died at the scene. Their company, Bowen and Bowen, has publicly commented that this attack was not motivated by robbery. The men did not try to steal company funds from them.
Wade and Oliver happened to be in the area when the gunmen attacked, and these innocent victims were caught in the crossfire.