Killed and dumped in Ladyville


The body of Brandon Bennett, a 27-year-old resident of Belama in Belize City, was found disposed on a street in Ladyville. It is believed that someone shot him in the head and left him to die at that location.
Police say that at around 7:43 p.m., on Monday, October 21st, 2019, a man visited their Ladyville station, and reported that he saw a man lying down in a pool of blood on Vista del Mar Boulevard. Officers immediately responded, and they found Bennett’s lifeless body. He had suffered a gunshot injury to the back of the head. Several expended shells were found nearby.
At this time, it is not known why Bennett was in Ladyville, and why he was executed in such a ruthless manner. There are suspicions that his killing may have been gang-related.
Very little is known about Bennett, but Dianne Finnegan, the coordinator of the Youth Apprenticeship Program, has spoken with the press about his character and personality. He was one of the young people who attempted to change his life using the opportunity that the program provides.
?According to Finnegan, several years ago, he showed up to her office and asked to register into the program. According to Finnegan, he was living a lifestyle that he wanted to get away from. In 2017, while he was going through the training for his apprenticeship, he was targeted by a gunman near Belcan Bridge. Though he escaped with his life, he suffered a gunshot.
?Describing his personality, Finnegan said, “Brandon is such a tease, a playful individual, mannerly… Like always, when he would stop into the office, or so, it was a pleasure. [It’s] just the hardest kind of news you can get.”
It is believed that before he started the apprenticeship program, he had connections with one of Belize City’s gangs.