PUP stalwarts bypassed in Senate appointment


The upper echelons of the PUP are wondering if the hit that Johnny received to his head, during that traffic accident he was involved in, actually did him much more harm than he is willing to admit. The question is being raised because, three weeks after the accident, he has made two critical errors. Those errors have many within the PUP questioning his sanity.
In the first instance, on August 14th he appointed Candice Pitts as a Senator to represent the PUP. The appointment was gladly received by Pitts as she profiled high and low in a PUP parliamentary caucus. Of course, this caucus is reserved for parliamentarians of either the House of Representatives or the Senate. What is embarrassing however is that by virtue of her position being an elected councilor, she could not be a Senator. So, with all her profiling, she was not bright enough to read the City Council’s bi-laws which prohibits any councilor from holding a position in parliament. What is even more odd is that Briceno himself did not read the Belize City Council bi-laws.
Now, what is adding insult to injury and salt to an open wound is that Johnny Briceno, still suffering from that blow to the head, is now appointing a known UDP, in the persons of Isabel Bennet to be their senator. This is flying straight in the face of persons like the Castillos who have given so much to the PUP to now be bypassed by an unknown. And Bennett is unknown in the PUP because she has never ever been a PUP. We checked with Dan, who told us that all her life Bennett has been a UDP. The appointment has got to be some great irritant to the PUP because many, many, many stalwarts of that party have been overlooked.
That blow to Johnny’s head is indeed something that is troubling for the entire PUP’s party structure. Someone really needs to do something about it for their sakes. Kareem, come in! Save your party!