Who Johnny wants in his Cabinet


A hand written confidential document, leaked to The Guardian Newspaper detailing the composition of a PUP Cabinet under a Johnny Briceno government confirms the leadership’s disdain and lack of confidence in the make-up of the PUP team vying the next General Elections.

The hand written document purports to be Johnny’s Cabinet wish list and it tells a heck of a lot about what he is thinking and who his favorites are for leadership positions if the PUP were to ever win the next General Elections. While it is common knowledge that Cordel Hyde is Briceno’s favorite it then stands to reason that he would make him the Deputy Prime Minister. But unlike previous holders of that position he will be given Tourism and Culture. Does that mean that Cordel cannot be trusted with the Lands Department.? What is more alarming is that the intention is to give Kevin Bernard one of the most powerful ministries, Natural Resources and the Environment. So Cordel will not get that but Bernard will… only Johnny could hatch that one up.

Moving further down the line to the proposed Ministers of State as envisioned by Johnny, Kareem Musa and Orlando Habet are given the finger. Musa is put in charge of one of the most insignificant ministries- the Public Service and Public Utilities and Orlando Habet is put under the Chihuahua. Now both these fellows, if the writings were to hold true, would have been two term representatives. Nonetheless they are relegated to the back bench. Even Rodwell Ferguson is given preference with a ministerial position in the office of the Prime Minister. Other known losers like Ramon Cervantes, and Dolores Balderamos would trump these two. Is Johnny so afraid of Kareem that he would pick Kareem’s father, Said Musa, to be a minister ahead of Kareem?

Whatever the case may be. We look at the whole spectrum of names as simple wishful thinking as some of the names quoted are perhaps the only time they will have any public appearance as they are as viable as a dingy in a hurricane.