Cabinet Shuffle?


Answering questions from the media as to the possibility of a Cabinet Shuffle, Prime Minister, Hon. Dean Barrow explained on Wednesday February 3 that “I have to contemplate the possibility of some kind of Cabinet rearrangement during the course of the term. I don’t expect that we would go five years without absolutely the same fit that we started with.”
And while there was admission by the P.M. that there may be changes in Cabinet, he explained that “I certainly haven’t even crystallized my thinking in terms of what are the moves that I will contemplate.” He says that will be done at the appropriate time.  And he’s none too eager to make any moves in Cabinet since for now his preoccupation is the Budget which is expected to be read in March. When asked, he conceded that at least as it relates to the Ministry of National Security that “for sure there will always come a point in time when you will want to try a different personality, you will want to try a different approach”. He did reiterate that he is confident in the current minister but added that “nobody is there forever, nobody is there indefinitely, all things are subject to change at the appropriate time.”