Big Sacrifices equal Big Rewards


The school year is young but make no mistake, it flies by quickly; that is unless you are a student.  If you are a student, then you are and will most certainly be counting down impatiently from now until Christmas break, hoping for some relief from the mountain of assignments, and the challenging class work. Regardless of how challenging it gets, stay the course; choose to stay in school.

Many students do not.

Some students choose to leave school for a variety of reasons, but the decision to do so has serious long-term consequences. Those without diplomas face limited job opportunities and a lowered earning potential. While the reasons for dropping out of school are varied, there are  solutions that can help young people stay focused on their education.

While each student who has made the decision to leave school has an individual story and reasons, there are several common risk factors.

Academic Failure

Struggling in school on a daily basis is the biggest reason most students choose to drop out of school. For example, according to the Anne E. Casey Foundation by America’s Promise, children who are not reading proficiently by fourth grade are four times more likely to quit high school than their peers.

Early intervention is crucial in keeping engaged, successful, and in school. Tell a parent or teacher if you are struggling with core courses. Early intervention can significantly increase your chances of passing.

Attendance and Preparation

Students must attend school consistently. According to a study done by Attendance Works, students who had dropped out of school had a chronic history of absenteeism. Nearly 88% of students who had dropped out had missed at least 20 days of school in a given year, and an alarming three out of every four drop outs had missed more than 40 days in a year.

It helps if you can remember to be grateful that you have an opportunity to attain higher education while many others do not. Regardless of what show up to class.


Often, students disengage from learning, because they fail to understand wow the course materials  connect  to real life. Students who are not involved with their school also have a high chance of dropping out. Students who engage in extra-curricular activities have a higher chance of staying in school. Seek activities that keep you engaged. In addition, schools, teachers and administrators need to seek to create a community atmosphere to help students feel as if they belong. Parents can help by encouraging students to get involved in activities and develop talents and outside interests besides academics.


Managing a healthy pregnancy while staying in school is extremely difficult; that is, in cases where the student is even allowed to do so. Most schools in Belize do not allow students to attend during the gestation period. Students who are pregnant need extensive support to be able to return to school. So be wise and abstain from sex or use contraceptives and delay pregnancy until after you complete formal education.

Financial Difficulties

Students often drop out when they are not able to afford school fees, or the cost of class related supplies and materials or even transportation and lunch. Creative options exist for students who must earn money while in school, including part-time work or financial aid. Communication with school administrators on the impact of financial difficulties can provide a range of options that will assist the family and keep the student in school.

The Tough Choice: Staying In School

While dropping out of school may seem like an easy way out of your academic struggles, keep in mind that the effects of dropping out are felt for a lifetime, both financially and emotionally.  Seek assistance from your parents, teachers, administrators and mentors in managing and overcoming your obstacles as soon as they arise. The decision to stay in school can be difficult, but is well worth it.