PUP paying people to register?


Last Saturday, if you were on the Phillip Godson Highway, at any time between 9am and 12noon, in the vicinity of the Smart (Speednet) Headquarters, you would have seen a large crowd gathered there. Apparently that area is a Barbarian’s Gate and some residents who had recently applied to be registered in Pickstock had gathered there to collect for having gone to apply to be registered in Pickstock. We know you may at this time be wondering, what the Smart Headquarters, has to do with registration. So here is what we have gathered so far. Mahler who is the candidate for the P.U.P. in Picstock, works at Smart. We don’t know if it is a coincidence that he works at the same place where the residents were gathered. We were told that the way the system works, is that the residents would go to the said Smart Headquarters and present their registration receipts and upon the presentation of such, they would then be paid for having applied to be registered in Pickstock. The payments are apparently done by a certain individual who is at that office!

We don’t know who the individual that does the payments is, but based on what we heard, the person doing the payments is someone called WEEDY, who works in that building. Things got so out of hand on Saturday that the police had to be called in to do crowd control. Apparently the person who was to make the payments was either not in the building or pretending not to be in the building. It could be likely that the P.U.P. has not been able to get many of their people out to go register, so they are now trying to use some sort of inducement to get their people out. We suspect what is frightening for the P.U.P. is the type of numbers, that Sedi Elrington and his camp, has taken in to apply to be registered. The P.U.P. may now be in a state of desperation, and we all know that old saying about, “desperate people doing desperate things.”  However as shown on Saturday, those people whose actions are done out of desperation, usually get caught.