Cops charged for extortion


Two Raccoon Street Police Officers were escorted to court on Wednesday, July 19, 2017 after they were accused of extortion. They are Cpl. Marvin Salam, 36-years-old, and PC Anthony Blair, 27-years-old. Both men appeared before Magistrate Carlon Mendoza where they were read the charge to which they both pleaded not guilty.

Allegations are that on Saturday, July 15, 2017 in Belize City, while on duty a Corporal and a Constable, demanded a sum of $5,000 from Hemant and Jessica Bhojwani. Hemant, a 20-year-old student of an Albert Street address, reported that he was driving his vehicle, where he was accompanied by Garbiel Taylor and Chelsea Mitchell, and upon reaching the Western round-about, he was pulled over by a police truck.

They were asked to exit the vehicle to which all of them complied. A search was conducted on Bhojwani and Taylor but nothing incriminating was found. A search was then done in the car where three suspected marijuana seeds were found on the floor behind the driver’s seat. Also found was a foil with white substance which was weighed but no weight was registered by the scale. As a result, they were taken to the Mahogany Street Police station.

Outside the station, Bhojwani was asked what he could afford. According to him, he told the officers that he could afford $2,000. He was then taken to his home where the officers spoke to his mother and sister in his presence. There, they demanded $5,000 and he agreed to give them what they asked for. He was then taken back to the station where his vehicle was returned and the other passengers were freed to go without any charges.

According to Bhojwani, communication occurred by cell phone between his mother, Jessica, and the two officers to get the money. On July 17, Jessica received a phone call from someone who was to receive the money. They were to meet at the corner of Church Street and East Canal. When the exchange was to take place Salam was arrested by officers who were at the location.

Blair was arrested on July 18. In court, there was no objection to bail and it was offered to each in the sum of $3,000 plus one surety of the same which they were able to meet. Both officers are due back in court on September 27, 2017.