Inquiry without end


A few weeks ago chairman of the Senate Select Committee investigating the irregularities at the Immigration and Nationality department stated that he would want the work of the group completed. That was 5 weeks ago and still the inquiry is dragging on. The committee started its work  in October of last year and has labored on week in and week out. And every time there is a witness called the outcome is the same.

What has been clearly established is that there were things that were improperly done in the departments of immigration, nationality and visa section. It is clear that there were persons who would bring in certain things to be done illegally and it was facilitated at all levels within these departments. Now the question is that how much more of this can we bear. Every time a witness is called in he or she points the finger to someone else. There has been no one inside these departments who has come out to say he or she is responsible for this or that. It is usually the person above or the person below. Those who were doing all the misdeeds were either acting on instruction or took it for granted that by the time the documents reached their desk they would have been properly vetted.

That is what the inquiry has diluted to- a blame game with an endless list of characters who simply point at each other. Now it is time for this endless parade of witnesses to come to an end. We are fully aware of what was going on and after all it is not for the Senate Committee to come up with someone who is responsible. The Committee is to come up with recommendations to ensure that the entire thing is not repeated.

One thing is certain the plot is not thickening. We’ve heard it all and no matter how much the PUP senators try to get the names of ministers to be called, it simply is not happening. If after the long list of persons who have testified it hasn’t happened, the truth is that it won’t happen again. They have gotten Penner named and they have gotten to hear that some ministers made recommendations but that is as far as this inquiry will go. The Wednesday soap opera is getting really old and the plot just keeps repeating itself.