Second leg of Honorable Aragon’s Country-wide Police Formations Tour


The second leg of the country-wide tour has taken the Honorable Aragon and the staff of the Ministry of Home Affairs to Corozal District. The first stop was at the Police Station in Corozal Town where a guard of honor was mounted by the Corozal Police formation Officers. The guard was inspected by Honorable Aragon and following that a meeting with the general staff was held at the Station’s conference hall. A candid discussion was carried out between the Ministry Staff and the Police Officers. Several issues were raised by the officers and addressed by the Minister and the Ministry’s personnel. It was a fruitful discussion and everyone left with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

The tour then continued with the visit to several police sub-stations. The sub-station at Patchakan Village was visited first. This particular building was built in the colonial era and has withstood several hurricanes including the devastating Hurricane Hattie. It is now in need of repair and is one of the priority areas for the officer commanding Corozal. The tour next moved on to San Narciso police Sub-station where the structure was found to be uninhabitable. Bats and pigeons have taken over the building and it is need of repair. A commitment has already been made to allocate funding for its repairs. The next sub-station to be visited was the one in Caledonia Village. There are only minor repairs to be carried out at this sub-station which should begin shortly for it to become operational once more. Honorable Aragon and his staff at the Ministry are committed to ensuring that the officers at the Police Department receive the tools and the amenities in order to execute their duties efficiently and professionally and these visits are essential in order to apprise themselves and make informed decisions. The tour continues next week with a visit to the Cayo Formation.