WORDS OF LIFE with Barry Fraser


Love Defeats Fear! In the First letter of the Apostle John, chapter 4, verse 18, he writes: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.”

The opposite of fear is not faith but love, as stated in today’s verse. The first mention of fear in the Bible was after Adam and Eve sinned. When God went looking for them after they broke spiritual fellowship with Him, they said they were hiding because of fear and nakedness (Genesis 3:10).

What occurs when we break relationship with God is that we immediately get a false view of God. Instead of thinking of Him as a God who is love, we rather see Him as a wicked God, who is looking for ways to punish us.

God’s nature is love and He can never change. We are the ones who have changed, from people He created for love into fearful people. When our mindset is love, then we look at everything from a loving perspective. For example, the way we see things changes when we wear dark glasses. It creates darkness even when the sun is shining. In similar manner, we see fear even when God is being loving towards us, because we are fearful.

God sending Adam and Eve out of the garden to stop them from eating the tree of life seemed like a wicked act, but it was for the best. Imagine if we will all live forever in this terrible world. It would be horrible for everyone. We rejoice now for God has made a way for those who choose to receive the gift of righteousness to live with Him forever and have a wonderful eternal life.


Please send your comments to: barryfraser23@yahoo.com