WORDS OF LIFE with Barry Fraser


In the Letter of Paul to the Philippians, chapter 4, verse 6, the Apostle tells us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

This Biblical solution is very easy, yet we prefer to go round in circles, trying our own complicated methods, which stresses and wears us out, before we finally give in and go to the Lord in prayer. It’s possible that this has to do with our perception that God does things too slowly.      

We may have asked God for things and given Him deadlines, only for the date to pass without anything happening. But what I have noticed is that while we are worried we won’t make it beyond that target date, God is able to sustain us long after that day. We hardly ever think of God helping us go through problems as a miracle because, that is not what we wanted.

If only we will make thanksgiving a consistent part of our daily prayer, then peace will flood our minds.
Send your comments to: barryfraser23@yahoo.com