Philip Goldson, George Price and Guatemala


“… The issue of West Indian Federation…  would precipitate… conflict in the leadership of the PUP”
“Price… conceived of self-government within some kind of Central American Federal structure”
“Richardson and Goldson… vision was for… a West Indian Federation and as part of the British Commonwealth…  on September 27, 1956… they jointly tendered their resignation…”
“…Price… dislike for Federation… dislike of some West Indians…”

(The following has direct quotes from “George Price’ by Godfrey Smith and from AMANDALA)

If there was one thing about the late Mr. Goldson that I liked and respected above all others, it was his blunt honesty.  He made his views known!  Goldson did not throw stones and hide his hands, like George Price and the Price Zombies… No! Goldson was hardline once he developed crystal clear views of Mr. Price’s treacherous pro-Guatemala machinations.  There are some undeniable facts that any worthy students of Goldson would know:  He was once a PUP, once against West Indian Federation, once boasted of freedom after a week visiting Guatemala; but he NEVER wanted his beloved BELIZE to become a part of Guatemala!  NO WAY!  I said ‘was once’ because it did not take Goldson long to see right through Mr. Price’s trickery and treachery.   Mr. Goldson subsequently rebelled against Price and against the PUP.  That is the view of Mr. Goldson that each and every Belizean must forever remember: Goldson was anti-Price and anti-Guatemala to the end!

When Mr. Goldson saw through Price’s sell-out plans, he went on the warpath to protect his beloved Belize.  Ignoring a secrecy pact, he immediately informed Belizean citizens of the treacherous plans.   He then went directly to the United Nations and was the very first Belizean to appeal to the world, via the UN, for help.  Let me repeat that very important historical fact:  MR. GOLDSON WAS THE FIRST BELIZEAN TO APPEAL FOR HELP FOR HIS BELOVED BELIZE FROM THE WORLD COMMUNITY USING THE PLATFORM OF THE UNITED NATIONS.  Anyone saying or writing otherwise is not only trying to keep the masses ignorant, but is trying to deceive as well… a purposeful move to improve the partisan political lot of the National Deputy Leader!  DO NOT use the Guatemalan problem in partisan politics.

Mr. Goldson was well aware of the art, science, knowledge and skills employed by British diplomats when structuring ironclad treaties and avoiding negotiated settlements. They are bulldog-like and unyielding in the defense of their territorial processions and protectorates!  They do not negotiate away land, river, island or sea. They had no intention of losing Gibraltar, Northern Ireland, Falkland Islands nor British Honduras to any aggressive nation!  The Nazi’s war-causing concept of invading weaker nations for living space (lebensraum) could not survive the British tenacity. Argentina’s invasion was put down and they stood against Guatemala’s every threat. Mr. Goldson had no difficulty whatsoever following the British plan to use the 1859 and 1931 treaties to attack and defeat the Guatemalans’ unfounded claim at his favorite venue – the United Nations.  The greatest Belizean Hero ever – P. S. W. Goldson would want to lead Belize’s ironclad case at the International Court of Justice – the arm of the United Nations specifically tasked to adjudicate issues like the unfounded Guatemalan claim.  THE PROPER PLACE TO FIGHT THE CASE!  It is rumored that he penned his view that we should go to the ICJ – I am actively searching for that letter… At the time of his death, Goldson remained staunchly pro-Belize, pro-West Indies, pro-Commonwealth, pro-British, pro-UN and definitely anti-Guatemala.  FM Elrington stance is IDENTICAL to the British Foreign Officers’ and with Goldson’s hardline position!  Identical: Complete victory at the ICJ with intact lands, islands, rivers and sea!  Confirmation of the clear ownership of BELIZE: lands, islands, rivers and sea as per the treaties of 1859, 1931 and the Law of the Sea/Equidistant Principles– that is our clear goal.  That is what we are fighting for… That would be the goal of hero Goldson as well, was he alive to tell you so himself!  We continue his fight; we carry his torch – that is the duty all Belizeans owe him and the country!  We man up to the task!  No 5thColumnists here!

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!  Belizeans reject revisionist history.  We know the FACTS and we demand the TRUTH each and every time.  Away with the disingenuous, the thieves, tyrants, traitors, despots, revisionists… It is wrong of some to try to use sovereign and territorial issues in selfish partisan schemes.  The ICJ is the one correct path; WE MUST ALL BE ON BOARD; BELIZE NEEDS US TO BE OF ONE MIND AGAINST GUATEMALA.  Stop playing stupid games. We know the extremely scurvy and scurrilous PUP well: From Hyde’s infant scholarship scam to Musa’s and Fonseca’s ‘Billions’ “economic train which… brought the nation state of Belize… to a Sovereign Default…”

The UDP Mayors and Prime Ministers: Aikman, Bradley, Esquivel and Barrow …outperform the PUP by light years!  Look how beautiful the country is developing!  No way are we even contemplating putting THE BIG THIEVES into office anytime soon- if ever.  We really, really do not want names like Musa, Fonseca, Briceno, Hyde, Espat… in leadership positions; we do NOT even want them to be our representatives in the House or Senate!  Aren’t you just totally disgusted with the behavior of the likes of Julius Espat and his Party?  Make absolutely sure that you block each and every PUP scheme – IF IT IS BLUE, IT IS DEFINITELY NOT GOOD FOR YOU… AND DO NOT BE AFRAID TO TELL ONE AND ALL THAT THE ABSOLUTE BEST WAY TO DEFEAT GUATEMALA IS AT THE ICJ AND THAT WE NEED TO FIGHT AS ONE,PERIOD.