Ryan Walker shot inside a friend’s car

Ryan Walker
Ryan Walker

Ryan Walker
Ryan Walker
27-year-old Ryan Walker was murdered execution style on Thursday night and he never saw his killer. Police say that around 11 p.m., Walker was sitting in the driver’s seat of his parked Toyota Camry on Gyles Street in the Lake Independence Area behind the Complex Building when he was shot in the back of his head, by someone who the evidence indicates was also inside the car.  A total of four shots were fired and Walker was hit in the left temple and the bullet exited through the driver’s side window, piercing the glass and killing Walker.  The driver’s seat of the maroon Camry he was seated in was soaked in the 27-year-old’s blood. 

The last time Walker’s family saw him alive was earlier on Thursday night when he went to drop home a friend.  They are at a loss as to who did it or why their brother was killed, but they are convinced that his friends, who were in the car with him, know more than they have been telling the police.  His sister Francine Pitts, who is still fraught with grief, has found some comfort in knowing that, “my brother’s death will not just go like that because everyday I put it in the Lord’s hands, everyday I pray and I know, they may seem like they get away from man but they won’t get away from that man above.” 

Ryan Walker was released from jail two months ago after serving a nine year prison sentence for attempted murder.  Since his release, Ryan had been turning over a new leaf, but it appears his killer didn’t give him enough time to change.