19-year-old gunned down at home

Glenford Audinette
Glenford Audinette

Glenford Audinette
Glenford Audinette
Murder came knocking on 19-year-old Glenford Audinette’s door early on Sunday morning.  Police found the teenager faced down in a pool of blood in a yard on Ebony Street around 1:30 a.m. on Sunday.  Minutes earlier, someone came and knocked on the door and asked for “Money”.  Audinette isn’t known as “Money”, but he apparently opened the door anyway and that’s when he was ambushed by a gunman who started shooting, firing a total of three shots.  Audinette was hit in the back of his head and right side of his neck.  He died on the scene. Police found him lying in a pool of his own blood.  The murder occurred minutes after Audinette was seen being chased in the neighbourhood.  It is unclear if he was shot inside his home or in the yard.  Police suspect though that his murder may be drug related, but his family disagrees. They say Glenford Audinette was a hard worker whose life changed after the birth of his son.  Glenford was shot and killed the day his son turned five months.  His in-laws say that in the days prior to his death, Glenford seemed troubled but confided in no one.