The police’s way forward

Assistant Commissioners of Police Noel Leal, Elodio Aragon Jr., Miguel Segura, David Henderson)
Assistant Commissioners of Police Noel Leal, Elodio Aragon Jr., Miguel Segura, David Henderson)
Assistant Commissioners of Police Noel Leal, Elodio Aragon Jr., Miguel Segura, David Henderson)
Assistant Commissioners of Police Noel Leal, Elodio Aragon Jr., Miguel Segura, David Henderson)

Minister of National Security Hon. Carlos Perdomo hosted a press conference on Monday May 4 to introduce the Police Department’s way forward.

The Minister explained that there will be shifts made at the very top with the appointment of five new Assistant Commissioners of Police (ACP). These persons are James Magdaleno, David Henderson, Noel Leal, Miguel Seguar and Elodio Aragon Jr. These changes come as a way of following up on the Harold Crooks report which was prepared to detect weaknesses in the department and to find ways in which to enhance the effectiveness of the police. Newly appointed Commissioner of Police, Crispin Jeffries explains that the five ACPs will have various positions which they will hold. Leal will be the Officer in Charge of Special Branch, Aragon will take over Management Services, Segura will head the National Crimes Investigations, Magdaleno will be the Commander of Operations and Henderson will be confirmed as Officer Commanding the Eastern Division.

ACP James Magdaleno
ACP James Magdaleno

According to Minister Perdomo, more than just being a shake-up at the top, the appointment of the new ACPs is part of changes that are “taking place in a systemic way at the highest level in the Police Department”. He adds that the “time has come for the Commissioner of Police to spend more time in policy creation, supervision of national policing standards and performance and strategic mission enhancement rather than in the never ending day to day management” of the Department. The way this can be achieved will be through the delegation of authority to the ACPs who will in turn be responsible to the commissioner as well as a newly established body called the Policing Policy and Standard Board.

The Board is a response to the Crooks Report which has exposed inadequacies in mechanisms which are to enable the Ministry of National Security to create performance and supervisory targets and indicators for the police. In ensuring that these are met, the Ministry will be establishing the Policing Policy and Standard Board within the Ministry to help the development of supervision standards as well as performance and police accountability of services and resources as well equipment. Perdomo says that the membership of the board will be named in the coming days, but adds that it will have participation from the Minister, the Chief Executive Officer, members from the Crimes Control Council, the private sector, office of the Auditor General and the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, civil society and academia.

The newly formed body will be tasked with advising the Ministry and the Police Department on the “strategic development of policing policies and identifying current priorities and issues related to police enforcement and prevention, expert strategic advice papers and research.” Minister Perdomo says that the board will also assist in drafting a national policing performance framework by which the Commissioner and the ACPs “will be held accountable for their performance and delivery of police services.” As a complement of this will be the upgrading of the Planning Performance Review and Inspection Branch of the Police Department. This body will have an inspectorate arm chaired by the Ministry’s CEO and will include members of the police and the Ministry and will have to report to the Policing Policy and Standards Board. This, Minister Perdomo says will give greater accountability of the Police Department.

Another announcement made was that the Ministry will secure the services of a legal professional to advise on legal matters as well as to coordinate academic training for the police in order to improve quality of service provided to the community. These persons will also assist in “identifying weaknesses in the department’s performance and recommend remedial action by assisting and providing training to police officers in investigative approaches, case file management, case file preparation and prosecution and recommend ways to the police training academy to enhance ways of training and also to enhance the public media relations.”

In addressing the media, Compol Jeffries says his focus will be on equipment and training for officers. He says that the there has been “failure to fully prepare our personnel for senior leadership positions is a critical factor that has contributed to our organization becoming unable to provide continuity.” He says he plans to address this under his tenure where there will be training for officers in administration, management, leadership strategic planning and project management. There will also be concurrent training that will take place at the supervisory and subordinate level to improve knowledge and sharpen skill of officers and to get basic policing done. In addition, senior officers will be getting specialized training in areas such as psychology, sociology, crime profiling, crime analysis and criminology.

Added to improve training, Jeffries says there will be improvements in the areas of information technology for better administration and crime fighting. He says that as it relates to vehicles and equipment a maintenance policy will be looked at to better keep the fleet of vehicles. He added that under his tenure he will look at acquiring the most durable and cost effective vehicles rather than the latest models.

While steps are taken for institutional strengthening, the department is looking at ensuring that those appointed to senior ranks be tested to show strength of character and integrity. It is with this in mind that the Ministry will ensure that persons being promoted to the senior ranks must take a polygraph examination. Additionally, the commissioner along with the five ACPs will be assessed on performance standards before they are confirmed in their positions.