Dangriga Is Back…the color of Culture is Redvel students


dangriga.jpg - 167.18 KbThe Prime Minister arrived in Dangriga shortly before three p.m. in Dangriga on Sunday 22nd February. Upon his arrival he was escorted by the Honorable Anthony “Boots” Martinez to the Wadaani Shed where he was showered with genuine love. The appreciation of the Dangrigans was palpable as the Prime Minister mingled with them at the shed. He was even invited by the ladies for a quick dance inside the shed. After a lot of hugging and flesh pressing he was led to the Monument Site where a massive motorcade awaited. This motorcade then proceeded thorough the principal streets of Dangriga. Everywhere along the route people gathered dancing and celebrating in their red shirts and outfits. It was truly a festive occasion as residents gathered to welcome and salute the man who brought transformation to Dangriga and the rest of the country.

The massive show of support was magnified when the motorcade arrived at the Ecumenical High School Auditorium. After the red tsunami settled there were over two thousand persons assembled to hear presentations by the UDP leaders. First up was Mayor to be Francis Humphreys who gave a spirited speech in which he laid bare the blatant lies that the PUP told the people of Dangriga via their manifesto;  which he described as a piece of thrash. Other speakers included Hon. Anthony Martinez, Hon. Patrick Faber, Mayor Darrel Bradley and the Prime Minister Hon. Dean Barrow.

In addressing the gathering Prime Minister Barrow outlined all the good things that had come to Dangriga and all the good things that are to come. The need for a bridge at the New Site area was brought to his attention and he immediately committed to find the money for the bridge to be built. Mr. Barrow expressed that he has a special affection for Dangriga and its people.
All around the mood was celebratory and a clear indication that the people of Dangriga are satisfied with the work that this United Democratic Party is doing. The transformation wave that has hit this countryhas also washed upon the shores of Dangriga and Dangrigans are reaping the benefits. The bugle has sounded and Belizeans have made up their mind. On March 4th there is only one outcome…UDP will sweep the elections across this beautiful nation.