Punta Gorda dressed Red this Valentine


pm pg.jpg - 160.35 KbThe usually quiet town dressed red for a gala event this Valentineā€™s Day Weekend. On Saturday the 14th of February the United Democratic Party held a rally in the lovely and serene town of Punta Gorda.

Well nothing was serene on this lovely night when residents of the town convened at the central park to celebrate what can only be described as the transformation of Punta Gorda. The event featured live music by the Sweet Pain Band and dynamic political speakers such as Hon. John Saldivar, Hon. Patrick Faber, Hon. Godwin Hulse, and of course the Leader of the United Democratic Party and Prime Minister of Belize Hon. Dean Barrow.

The night was charged with UDP love as each speaker hyped the crowd. The massive and unconditional support for the UDP was palpable. The United Democratic Party introduced its slate for the municipal elections coming up this 4th of March ā€“ only days away. They are Fern Gutierrez for Mayor and councilor candidates Ashton McKenzie, Winston Chun, Luzanne Avila Gutierrez, Aphane Avila, Lucy Cayetano, and Franklin Polonio. Mayoral candidate Fern Gutierrez wooed the crowd of over one thousand and presented her reasons why they should vote for a UDP slate this 4th of March. She stated that she is a proven worker and has achieved much as a current councilor, more than can be said for the current mayor.

The six councilor candidates each got up and delivered impressive speeches outlining the excellent qualities they bring to the table and the good things that the residents of Punta Gorda Town can expect from them. The ceremony concluded with the speech by Hon. Dean Barrow who stated ā€œI am well pleased, my heart is full and I rejoice at the level of skill, dedication and ability that is clearly present among our UDP Punta Gorda candidatesā€. He went on to say why the PUP is bad, very bad for Punta Gorda and why residents should not even consider Fuentes for a second term, ā€œThe minister of local government had to come in and take over, that only happened here in PG, and it happened for the plain and simple reason that as I have said, and that as I will repeat, Anthony Fuentes is hopeless, helpless and hapless!!!ā€The thunderous cheer from the crowd demonstrated that they concurred. After the speeches the massive crowd remained at the park and danced away to the sounds of the Sweet Pain Band. It was until way past the designated time of two in the morning that the crowd dispersed. It truly was a celebratory event and for obvious reasons. The People of Punta Gorda are celebratingthe unprecedented development that is transforming their town and the country of Belize and in anticipation of the massive victory to be had in Punta Gorda by the United Democratic Party.