PUP forsakes the children for Marco Tulio Mendez


pup front page.jpg - 128.33 KbDoctor Marco Tulio Mendez has refused to step down as the Area Representative for the Orange Walk East Constituency and it seems that factions within the PUP, and in particular, one from the North, which has aspirations of leadership are bent on forcing his resignation. Mendez, who has openly said that his health is not allowing him to be a representative of the East, has come under fire this week.
Rumors have been steadily mounting and they are quickly turning into reality as allegations of sexual misconduct against at least to minors are beginning to surface. From as early as the weekend, there were persistent rumors that two young girls were accusing Dr. Mendez of inappropriate sexual behaviour against them. For the early part of the week, the police department had been reporting that there were no reports made against Mendez. That position has now changed as reports are that the girls have made reports to the department of social services and there is now an active investigation. The police have now moved from the position of not having any reports made to one where they are in the process of commencing an investigation.

The allegations are serious for anyone but for a sitting area representative to be going through, it makes it that much more serious. So serious it is that the PUP executive met on Wednesday to discuss the matter; of course, the PUP’s leader is saying that they have to wait and see. It is quite a nonchalant  approach especially because the allegations affect not only Mendez, but more importantly minors, girl minors.

This approach, however, is consistent with the PUP as they are quick to point fingers and call for action but when it is one of their own under the guillotine, they are quick to run to their aid. The picture of Fonseca surrounded by the likes of the Shomans, Dolores and Myrtle would give the impression that the women’s group within the PUP are supportive and in fact condoning of this kind of action against our young girls.

We beg to ask the PUP to be bold enough and burn out the wrongdoers within their party, no matter who they are.