Leroy Casasola captures Red Bull Cross Country Classic


The Santino’s Racing Club presented its Red Bull Cross Country Classic on Sunday April 26, 2009. The 64 miles event attracted some 42 riders of which 27 riders were able to complete the course.

At the end of 2:46:16, it was Leroy Casasola of Team Santino’s Masters Team who captured first place. Wilbert Jones of Benny’s Megabytes finished second in a time of 2:47:12, Preston Martinez of Guinness finished third in a time of 2:48:31, Sherwin Latchman also of Guinness finished fourth in a time of 2:48:33, and Kenneth Butler who is unattached finished fifth in a time of 2:48:33.

The other finishers were Vallan Symns of Guinness, George Abraham Sr. of Benny’s Megabytes, Lennox Bowman of Pediatric Centre Cycling, Juan Gonzalez of Santino’s Masters Team, and John Burns also of Santino’s Masters Team.