Rally for Peace

Organizers of rally

The past few weeks have seen a sharp increase in violent crimes. There is no doubt that it has caused a sense of insecurity within the Belizean society. Therefore, the Youth for the Future is organizing a peace rally this Saturday at the football field near St. Martin’s Primary School in an effort to encourage youths to focus on more positive activities.

Joseph Romero is a teacher from St. John’s College. He approached Dianne Finnegan, Director of Youth for the Future, and she “supported wholeheartedly”. Romero said

that the violence is puzzling because there are so many things that the youths could be doing. He is the leader of the New Generation Dance Group, which is made up of youths who use their extra time to express their selves through dancing.
Many other organizations and artists have pledged to support the rally. Those who attend will be entertained by dramas, dances and music. Performers who have pledged to attend include Titiman Flores and the General Super G. It should be an event for all to enjoy.