Well wishes and cooperation from India to Belize

Dinesh Kumar Jain
Dinesh Kumar Jain

Dinesh Kumar JainIn June of this year Dinesh Kumar Jain was in the country to officially present his credentials as India’s High Commissioner to Belize. On the occasion of Belize’s Independence Day celebrations, Jain was again in the country to be a part of the celebrations. During his visit the Guardian was able to speak with Jain who expressed his country’s well wishes for Belize as we celebrated our 28th anniversary.

While Jain was in the country to be a part of the Independence Day celebrations, he took time out to visit various Ministers of government to convey India’s intention to strengthen its relationship with Belize. Jain says that Belize and India share similarities including the fact that both countries share colonial experiences, form part of the Non-Aligned Movement and Commonwealth and are English speaking. He added that there are many traditional linkages that unite both India and Belize and as such there are many reasons both countries should strengthen relations. Jain explains that India is developing partnerships with SICA nations and Belize; being an English speaking country in SICA, the only one in the region for that matter, India regards Belize with particular interest and importance.

Jain says that since 1964 India has been offering economic cooperation programs and training facilities to 158 friendly nations and Belize is considered a country that could benefit from these programs. In the last six years, 39 Belizeans have been able to receive training in India through the training facilities and now that is being expanded to include scholarship arrangements. Areas where candidates can seek training are numerous, including and not limited to Information Technology and Engineering. Jain says that while training is extended to government nominees, the Indian government is now able to offer scholarships to students for professional training with all expenses being borne by the Indian government. The only limitation to students is being able to meet the eligibility criteria of the university where training is sought.

Outside of education, the Indian High Commissioner has held meetings with the Prime Minister, Minister of National Security, Health, and Economy among others to see how the Indian government can assist in these ministries. Specific areas of cooperation include Agriculture, Small and Medium Enterprise development, Food Processing, Tourism, Infrastructure, Disaster Management and Internal Security being just a few areas which the Indian government is ready to assist Belize in.

Additional assistance can be received through a line of credit which the Indian High Commissioner says has been extended to all SICA countries; that credit is for ten million dollars for each of the eight countries which is offered at concessionary interest terms.
Jain concludes that India is ready to assist Belize as part of its South-South Cooperation and encourages businessmen to visit India as part of business delegations or Tourists to be able to give a boost to Indian investment in Belize.Â