Caught with Three Bags of Weed in His Brief

Reiner Jones
Reiner Jones

Reiner JonesAround 10:30 a.m. on Friday, April 24, police were on mobile patrol on Raccoon Street Extension when they saw 30-year-old mechanic, Reiner Jones, of #77 Faber’s Road driving a motorcycle. Police approached him and ordered him to stop. Dressed in a blue T-shirt and three-quarters blue jeans pants, he got off his motorcycle. Police noticed a bulging at his pants front and checked to see what the cause was. A search led to the discovery of three black plastic bags containing cannabis inside his underwear. He was taken to the police station where the drug was weighed and amounted to 348 grams.

He appeared before Magistrate Tracy Sosa later that Friday and pleaded not guilty to a charge of drug trafficking. Magistrate Sosa granted him bail at $5,000 plus a surety of the same amount. A $5,000 surety is one that would require a property bail. Jones begged for mercy; stating that he does not know anyone that would bail him for such a surety. He asked that the bail be set at two sureties for $2,500 each. Sosa showed mercy and granted him the bail at $5,000 and two sureties of $2,500. In addition, Jones is required to appear before the Clerk of the Court on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Failure to do so would result in the revoking of bail. Jones was able to meet his bail and is expected to return to court on June 4.