Belize Celebrates 28

Flag Raising Ceremony
Flag Raising Ceremony

Flag Raising CeremonyThere are few times in the year when it becomes clearly evident just how connected and interdependent we really are here in Belize. One of such times is the final seconds before Independence Day.

While the Official Independence Day Ceremony was held in Belmopan this year, the Flag Raising Ceremony remained at the Memorial Park in Belize City. Ambassadors from many of Belize’s allies were present at the ceremony including US Ambassador Vinai Thummalapally.

The arrival of the diplomats was followed by the arrival of Belize’s leaders. The Leader of the Opposition arrived followed by the Chief Justice of Belize then the Prime Minister Hon. Dean Oliver Barrow. The Governor General of Belize was the final

distinguished guest to arrive. Everyone stood for the playing of the National Anthem and all eyes looked up as the Belizean Flag ascended to the top of the pole; symbolic of our hopes and dreams for our future Belize. A future that presents growth and development, upward movement – never was the theme for the September Celebrations so true – “Diverse Origins, Common Aspirations: Together We Celebrate as Belizeans”.
And celebrated we did. A fireworks display like never before lit up the Belizean night. Though the rain had minor effects on the fireworks display, residents lined