Belize Makes its Mark at UN Climate Change Summit in New York


Climate change has been called a fundamental challenge to humanity. Recognizing the severity of the consequences for all the world’s peoples of inaction to address climate change, world leaders gathered in New York on 22 September 2009 to generate the necessary political momentum for a global agreement to be concluded in Copenhagen, Denmark.   Belize, represented by Honourable Wilfred Elrington, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, joined the ranks of leaders from a cross section of countries, north and south, east and west, developed and developing, at the UN Climate Change Summit, to call for urgent ambitious and decisive action, to protect the most vulnerable, and to do so with the necessary financing, technology and capacity building.  
Minister Elrington took the opportunity to highlight Belize’s expectations of such a global agreement.  In a statement issued during the interactive dialogue, he highlighted that Belize had already begun to experience the effects of climate change though we have been amongst the least contributor to the problem.  He underscored that without immediate action and assistance, climate change could present an existential threat to us.
The theme of collective action to respond to the present threats and challenges carried over into the opening of the General Debate of the Sixty Fourth Session of the United Nations General Assembly, which opened on 23 September 2009.  In a much awaited statement by the President of the United States, Barack Obama called for a new chapter of international cooperation.  Leaders from across the globe are expected to address the General Assembly.  Minister Wilfred Elrington will be delivering his address on behalf of the people and Government of Belize on 28 September 2009. 
While in New York, Minister Elrington will be participating in the UN Secretary-General’s special meeting on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation; ministerial meetings of the Rio Group and SICA ; the annual Commonwealth Foreign Minister’s Meeting at which he will make a presentation on the status of Belize / Guatemala relations; the Twelfth Informal Meeting of the Council of Foreign and Community Relations of the CARICOM; and a special encounter between the Secretary General of the United Nations and the CARICOM; and a special meeting with Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, among other dignitaries.  At the community level, he will be a guest of honour to the Independence Gala sponsored by the New York Belizeans Working Together for Progress, an umbrella group of Belizean organizations and community groups.
During his trip to New York, Minister Elrington is accompanied by his spouse Mrs. Barbara Elrington, Ambassador Janine Coye-Felson, Ambassador Alfredo Martinez, Ambassador Nestor Mendez, and members of staff of the Permanent Mission of Belize to the United Nations.