Police stop retaliatory shooting

Eustace Lewis
Eustace Lewis

Eustace LewisPolice say that at 12:00 midday on Tuesday, September 22, they intercepted 19-year-old Eustace Lewis as he was riding a bicycle on Racecourse Street. He was carrying a nine millimeter gun with eight live rounds. Police believe Lewis was heading to retaliate for the late night murder of his friend, Deon Meighan, who was gunned down 12:00 midnight the day before. The gun found on Lewis is reportedly one which was stolen during a robbery on June 9 at a barber shop in Belize City.

Lewis was taken to Magistrate’s Court where he was charged with one count of keeping an unlicensed firearm and

ammunition along with one count of handling stolen goods. When Lewis appeared before Magistrate Edd. P. Usher, he pleaded not guilty to all charges but was denied bail due to the nature of the offense.  He was remanded to the Hattieville Prison until October 21. Lewis has a previous gun and ammunition charge before Court #7. On that gun charge he is to appear in court on November 9.