Old School (Trial Farm) and La Costena (San Antonio) leads in the Vega Cup Tournament


The Vega Cup Tournament in Orange Walk North continued on Sunday September 20, with four games on the schedule at the Trial Farm Football Field. At the conclusion of last week’s games Old School and Las Costena sits at the top of the standings in the Vega Cup Tournament.

In the first game of the day, Santa Cruz FC defeated San Luis FC by the score of 7-4.  The goal scorers for Santa Cruz were Gabriel Perez with (4), Ernesto Chi (2) and Jaslyn Lopez with the other goal; meanwhile, the goal scorers for San Luis FC were Angel Chi, Alfredo Marin, Orlando Marin and

Francisco Chi.

In game two, Nuevo San Juan defeated Trial Farm by the score of 3-1. Ruperto Mendez scored all three goals for Nuevo San Juan, while Osmi Medina scored the only goal for the Trial Farm.

In the third game, Old School defeated Galaxy by the score of 7-1.  The goal scorers for Old School were Oliver Hendricks with three goals, Norman Trapp two goals, and Marlon Miranda also with two goals. For Galaxy the goal scorer was Antonio Campos.

In the final game of the day, La Costena defeated Untouchables by the score of 4-2. Edmundo Reyes scored all four goals for La Costena, and Yansy Eck scored the only goal for Untouchables.