Dan and Luke at War


Operatives within the People’s United Party have launched an attack against one of their own. Friendlies of Luke Espat this week highlighted that there are 12 lots which belong to DALT Limited which are being auctioned off by Atlantic Bank which held the properties as surety for Alfonso Salvador Silva and Daniel Silva.

Immediately after the intention to auction was circulated via e-mail in came sabelotodo to rescue his nephew. What he did not know is that with him coming to the rescue it did more harm than good. Hector Silva categorically stated that “There is no such Closure, Twelve lots ?  Man o Man !  What a foolish campaign strategy, The Daniel Silva I know,  does not only own twelve lots but, TWELVE  multiplied  by  TWELVE  and carry this number to the TWELVTH TIMES.  The Daniel Silva I know owns many businesses that are doing  SO GOOD, I once more advise his detractors that this stupid kind of propaganda will not help the instigators of these OLD TRICKS.  ( follow my advise )”

For someone so close to Silva to proclaim that he owns TWELVE multiplied by TWELVE and carry this number to the TWELVTH TIMES in lands, is an admission that Dan is doing very well. But how did he come about this fortune in lands? There are stories coming out of the Cayo district which claim that Silva was ‘nuttin nice’ when he was a minister during the PUP administration. He was known to be one of the most despicable characters as it relates to land dealings. Some say he took advantage of many persons in order to acquire lands ‘in the public’s interest’ but the public’s interest was never served. Hector Silva, putting out his nephew’s business in the public domain has turned the focus not on the fact that Daniel Silva is running against Luke Espat, but on how it is that in a single term he was able to acquire so much land and wealth.

Don’t get us wrong, we are not fighting Luke Espat’s battles. Remember, Espat and Silva are going up in a convention for the Cayo Central constituency for the PUP and Espat himself ‘dah nuttin nice’. He is the very same political crony who was sold the Port of Belize for 25% of its value. We won’t forget that! He too is the very same individual who just a few days ago, through an agent hijacked a woman’s group and put it in a man’s name. That Luke has the capacity to do such a thing comes as no surprise. He has proven in the past that he is capable of doing just about anything. If we had an option to choose between Dan and Luke, we would choose neither. They each have entire cemeteries buried in their closet.

What is interesting in this war between these two old PUP is that the longer the convention takes to be held, the more of the bones are being put out to light. The recent disclosure that Daniel Silva’s properties are being auctioned, triggered a back and forth between PUP, such as we have never before seen. And my oh my, the things they are saying about each other is salubrious to say the least.

We’ll keep tracking this one to see how far they will take it and how much mud, grime and skeletons will be dragged up in the process.