Youth Business Trust Belize Welcomes YBI Volunteer


Youth Business Trust Belize is pleased to welcome to the YBTB team, Ms. Louisa Fleming, a volunteer from Youth Business International (YBI). 

Ms. Fleming lives in Wiltshire, England and is a student at Queen Mary University in London. She became interested in the work of YBTB while working on an internship at YBI in London. “I have  taken some time off from my studies but want to continue the learning process with the programme as I passionately believe in its cause,” said Ms. Fleming. She has previous experience in volunteering as she spent three months teaching English in a remote village in India after completing her A Levels at school.  

While at YBTB, Ms. Fleming will be updating the YBTB’s website, writing case studies as well as assisting with the processing of potential entrepreneurs. She will be with the Trust until the end of November, 2009. 

The YBTB, is an Inter American Development Bank funded program which is well on its way to becoming a sustainable program. The program assists young persons between the ages of 18 and 35 to start new businesses or to expand/ diversify existing ones. The program also provides mentoring, networking and training to young entrepreneurs it supports. 

Those who have pledged their commitment to the program, which is being funded by the Inter American Development Bank, have made a serious investment in the future of Belize. The program, which follows the Youth Business International model started by Prince Charles of Wales, boasts of a vast network of about thirty seven countries worldwide. 

(Press Release)