Thanking Minister Castro

Hon. Edmund Castro
Hon. Edmund Castro

Hon. Edmund Castro
Hon. Edmund Castro
The Administration, staff, and students of the Stann Creek Ecumenical Junior College take this opportunity to thank Minister Edmund “Clear the Land” Castro for his invaluable donation to the school. Mr. Castro, with assistance from the Dangriga Town Council, dug a pond for tilapia rearing on the north-eastern end of the EJC campus on February 7, 2009.

We are proud to announce that the EJC pond is now streaming with life with over a thousand fingerlings thrusting to and fro since Wednesday, April 1, 2009. The Minister himself initiated the release of the tilapias into the pond. This event was witnessed by a large number of EJC students, faculty, administrators, and community members.

The main purpose for having the pond is for the science students to practice their investigative and analytical skills – they will study the fish as they grow, monitor the water quality, and make suggestions for gradual improvements.

Another aim of the students is to make the Dangriga community aware of some of the basic agriculture we all can practice – at home – to promote sustainable living. Tilapias are hardy species and can survive almost anywhere in Belize. Community members can easily engage in tilapia farming with little extra demand on their way of life.

We are hoping that within three to five months we should be able to provide quality advice to our community members on tilapia rearing in Dangriga.