Ran over for refusing to have sex

Rudolph Dawson
Rudolph Dawson

Rudolph Dawson
Rudolph Dawson
She refused to have sex and he got mad and tried to kill her; that’s the story 43-year-old Primrose Dawson gave police after she was allegedly run over by her husband.

Dawson told police that on Saturday April 18 at around 10 a.m. she was intentionally run over by her husband, 56-year-old Electrical Contractor Rudolph Dawson, aka ‘Acid’. She told police that at about 6:00 a.m. that morning, she was asleep in her bed along with her husband who wanted to have sex with her, but she refused. According to Dawson, later that morning at about 10 a.m. while her husband was out of the house, she packed her clothes and left. While on her way out, as she was walking on Partridge Street, in front of their house, her husband arrived home in his blue Chevrolet vehicle and drove it into her hitting both her knees. According to Primrose, the hit made her fall and hit her head and back on the cement pavement.

As a result of the complaint, Rudolph Dawson was arrested and charged with attempted murder, harm and aggravated assault with a car. He appeared in Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Sharon Frazer on April 20, 2009.

No plea was taken due to the matter being an indictable offense. His attorney, Hubert Elrington asked the court to consider offering him bail since the matter was not committed with a firearm, but Magistrate Frazer told Elrington that despite the matter not being committed with a firearm she could not grant him bail.    Before the charges were read to him, Dawson said in court, “I guess it must be my wife being upset.”

Dawson was remanded to prison until May 20.