(November 2, 2010, San Ignacio, Cayo District)
The Social Security Board is presently hosting the 5th Caribbean Conference on Health Financing Initiatives under the theme “Working towards a Sustainable and Accountable Health Care System” at the San Ignacio Resort Hotel, San Ignacio, Cayo District during the period November 2 to 4, 2010.
Various participants from the region are presenting on relevant health topics at the conference where they are highlighting health financing models being used by various countries and financing alternatives and initiatives that would result in the sustainability of National Health Insurance systems.
Present at the opening ceremony held this morning was the Minister of Health Hon. Pablo Marin who delivered the key note address.
The objectives of the Conference are:
1. To share and support best practices in current health financing reforms within the Caribbean Region.
2. To explore the challenges and strategies in the Financing and Administration of National Health Insurance programs by Caribbean Social Security Systems and Ministries of Health.
3. To discuss and analyze critical factors that influence the design and sustainability of National Health Financing programs both regionally and globally.
4. To identify areas and opportunities for closer collaboration among Caribbean Social Security Institutions, Ministries of Health and Health Insurance Organizations in tackling health financing concerns.
(Press Release)