Lifeline’s Black and White


Every year since 2005, the Lifeline Foundation has been holding a Black and White Charity Gala in an effort to raise funds for their charitable work to continue.

2008 was no exception and the foundation once again on Saturday March 28, held its ‘signature fundraiser’. The event was hosted at the House of Culture, and it featured fine dining, champagne, dancing and entertainment. In speaking with founder and director of the foundation Kim Simplis-Barrow she explains that the Gala is one of two major fundraisers that the foundation uses to raise funds for its philanthropic work. Along with the Black and White Gala, there is also a smaller culture-based one which usually features some culture in Belize. Last year for example the culture-based Gala was called a ‘Walk through Asia” and featured Asian cuisine, clothing and music.

On Saturday, along with the Gala there was the releasing of Lifeline’s 2009 yearly magazine. In it the organization features the 2008’s Gala event as well as the work that the foundation carried out during that year. Simplis-Barrow says that last year Lifeline donated just over 100 thousand dollars to various institutions including the Calvary Temple School which received 25 thousand dollars for the construction of a new Cafeteria and 30 thousand dollars which was given to flood victims from across the country. Other contributions were made to Cornerstone Foundation, Friends of Pediatrics as well as other schools in Belize City and other parts of the country.

This year’s Black and White gala’s funds will be used to assist the Living With Hope Preparatory School which is a two classroom school with approximately 30 children. The school assists first time offenders, those who have been expelled from high school or those who have been unsuccessful in the PSE. South Side children ranging in ages from 12 to 17 are also assisted. The school’s aim is to assist children prepare for the PSE and then place them in high schools. The Special Olympics Belize which provides year round sports training for adults and children with disabilities will also be assisted. The third organization to be helped will be the St. Stephen’s Primary School in Monkey River Village which will be assisted with renovation work as well as better nutrition programs.

Lifeline was started in 2004 and held its first fundraiser in 2005. It is a Philanthropic, non profit organization geared at raising money to benefit children at schools and other organizations that attend to children and are in need of feeding programs as well as medical attention clothing and educational materials.