‘Lado’ Betancourt captured in Orange Walk – Released in Belize City

Jamil Betancourt
Jamil Betancourt

Jamil BetancourtOn Saturday May 15th police in Orange Walk managed to capture a man who had been wanted since November of last year. Senior Superintendent of Police and Officer Commanding Orange Walk police Joseph Myvette told the media during a press conference that they were successful in capturing Jamil “Lado” Betancourt.

During an operation held sometime around 9:45 on Saturday morning, police moved in on a house on the western end of

the San Lorenzo housing community in Orange Walk where they caught Betancourt. Police believe Betancourt was living in the area for at least two months and speculate that he was being assisted by someone who was moving him within various locations in the Orange Walk district. During the operation, police encircled the house and found Betancourt outside the house. Reports are that Betancourt would be at the house but would not go into the house until night fearing that he may be captured. Residents in the area say he was helpful and kind to them however for a moment Belize City police thought otherwise.

The house where Betancourt was found is believed to be under the control of a Belize City gang and was used as a safe house. Sr. Supt. Myvette says they are conducting their investigations and charges may be placed on those who own or occupied the house.

Betancourt was wanted in connection with the execution of Belize City businessman, Jason Coombs who was shot at killed at his place of business on Caesar Ridge Boulevard near the Port of Belize compound on November 11th last year. At the time a tinted car pulled into Coombs’ place of business from where an occupant fired at least three shots at Coombs who died on the spot.

The fanfare that came along with Betancourt’s capture gave the impression that it was the end of a long manhunt which would have given way to charges in relation to the death of Coombs; however it was anything but that. On Tuesday May 18th, the man whom police had been looking for and whose capture came with great interest, was released from police detention. The Guardian understands that Betancourt was released from police detention in Belize City since there is not enough evidence to link him to the killing of Coombs. It’s a strange turn of events after so much effort and manpower had been invested in his capture to simply be released without charges.

In 2007 he was accused of a double murder of 18-year-old Elroy Flowers and 23-year-old Adrian Espinoza. He had also been accused of the attempted murder of Eric Savery in 2005.