506 cases of COVID-19 in one day


As of Wednesday, December 9, there are 4,260 active cases of COVID-19 in Belize. As many as 1,363 samples were tested for the disease on that date, with 506 being reactive for the virus. This is an alarming number for our population, but it may be attributed to the increased number of tests conducted in a single day. Of that 506, 132 cases were identified it the Orange Walk District. For months now, this district has remained the epicenter of this virus. Following Orange Walk for the second highest number of new cases is the Belize District with 99 and Cayo with 94. In Corozal, 70 new cases were identified followed by 62 in Stann Creek, 28 in Toledo, and finally 21 in San Pedro Town.
According to the Ministry of Health and Wellness’s latest report, there are 32 active hospitalizations, three of which are admissions at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Four more deaths, two men and two women, were reported, taking the national total to 183. Two of these deaths were reported in Corozal and two in Cayo. With these additional four deaths, our fatality rate now stands at 2.15%.
Overall, 45,712 cases have been done and 32,463 persons tested. With 30,147 negative tests, there have been 8,519 confirmed cases, 2,304 under investigation, and 4,075 total recoveries.