Four times the fools


All who listened to the press conference called by the People’s United Party on Tuesday were shocked and left slack jawed at the impressive brass-faced presentations done by the various so called leaders of that political party. One by one they stood up on moral stilts to express their outrage at what they see as the failings of the United Democratic Party government.

What is more shameful by these wannabe leaders is that for every word that they uttered ten could be found why they should just be forced to sit down and shut up. Take the presentation by the leader himself, Johnny Briceno, he spoke with such conviction about the petroleum, but he failed to remind those listening and those seeing that it was he who in classic PUP fashion gave away the oil revenues to the oil company. He forgot to explain that it was he who said that concessions had to be given to the oil company since they were the first to find oil and as such had to be treated like a first born son!

Then came the ‘rantings’ of Francis Fonseca who postulated about crime having forgotten that for five years during the PUP administration he was the Minister of Education and did absolutely nothing to assist those young persons who are now engaged in criminal activity in the city. He forgot that if he were to speak about crime he should include his actions after having signed the Accommodation Agreement which gave the British billionaire Lord so much leverage in the operations of BTL allowing him to bleed the Belizean public by not paying taxes.

And then there was the saintly one, the one whom no man dear speak ill of, the one and only Mark Espat; he spoke about the economy. If it were left to the ordinary Belizean, words like economy, inflation, tourism, interest rates, and the like should be completely stripped from his vocabulary. After all, Belizeans need to be reminded that it was this very Mark Espat who, along with Ralph Fonseca, was the architect of the Super Bond; which will this year see the country pay 55 million dollars of much needed revenue to service interest alone on that debt. There is no way on earth that this man can stand and speak about the development of Belize as he along with Fonseca mortgaged the nation’s future. We will be paying for their miscalculations until 2029. There is not a living single breathing Belizean who will be spared from the aftereffects of the Super Bond and there is not a single sector of Belize’s economy that will not feel the brunt of the Super Bond as it comes calling on us year after year for the next 19 years.

Then it was time for Mr. Pompous to speak, the very Eamon Courtenay, he should have never been allowed to speak, he comes from such a checkered history that the mere sight and sound of him reminds Belizeans of the misdeeds of his father. We can all vividly remember the 3.34 million that was taken from Social Security and was never returned despite court orders. But outside of that, Eamon Courtenay was once Belize’s Foreign Affairs Minister and under his tenure nothing, absolutely nothing, happened as it relates to the Belize Guatemala dispute. In fact, during his tenure, the incursions into Belizean Territory and the armed assaults on Belizean Tourist destinations became more frequent and more violent. It’s anyone guess why this pompous gentleman chose to forget these facts when he was making his presentation.

In the end, everyone who listened and saw the performance by the quadruple fools know better than to listen to them and not remember what they did while they were at the helm of government. Â