Belizean Represents in Managua


In January of 2009, Beverly Swasey, sponsored by NICH, represented Belize in Managua, at a Central American Association of actors/actresses and was inducted into the organization at the end of their annual Asamblea. She then attended a two weeks theatre workshop in Granada, Nicaragua as well.

This year she will be going to Panama from January 3 -10, 2010, to participate in the 5th Asamblea of the group known as Lagartija.

Yanira Bonilla, sponsored by Capital Culture drama Group of Belmopan, will also represent Belize in Panama at this year’s acting workshop. The workshop titled: Teatro de Calle & Espacios Alternativos, will be conducted by Director, Miguel Muñoz of Spain and will last from January 10 -25, 2010.

Ms. Beverly Swasey is an active actress in Capital Culture theater group from Belmopan City, who writes, directs and produces plays, the latest being “Coffee Table.”

Through her membership in the Belize Association for the Development of Arts (BADA), Ms. Swasey conducts theater training in all levels of drama within Belize with sponsorship through the National Institute of Culture and History (NICH).

(Press Release)