Have you ever heard of vision boards?


Have you ever heard of vision boards?

Well I have– and they are these supposedly mythical devices on which you paste pictures of the things you dream and wish for– give it a year or so– and bam!!! Ninety-five percent of the things you “wished” for come true!!!

Eeeerp! Well that is not completely accurate. But a vision board is pretty darn close to what I’ve just described. Some people refer to it as a “dream board” or an “inspiration board.” No matter what you call it, it’s basically a collage of pictures, words and quotes that serve to remind you of your passion and purpose. It is a powerful visualization tool that is used as inspiration for your journey toward your ideal life.  And it does increase the chances that the things you are aspiring for comes to pass.

The power though is not in the vision board, the power is in what you do to make your vision reality. Because here is the Truth: Vision is merely a dream without action – Joel Barker.

Here is why you should build your very own vision board for 2018

Creating a visual board gives you clarity on the things that you want and that are important to you and gives you motivation to take consistent action to move toward your goals. This is the real secret and reason that your desires will come to pass after putting them on your vision board!

However it works though, I’m just glad that it does.

This photo is an example of what a vision board looks like.

As you can see, you don’t have to be an artist to make a vision board! All you need are a few basic supplies and instructions to get started.

You’ll need:

A foam board/ Bristol board/ cork board or small canvas

a stack of old magazines or pictures downloaded and printed from the web



glue, tape, thumbtacks or pins

a photo of yourself (optional)

your favorite inspirational and motivational quotes

STEP 1: Set aside about an hour to complete your vision board. Go to a quiet space in your home where you can concentrate on yourself for a little while.

STEP 2: Create a relaxing atmosphere. Put on inspiring or upbeat music. Light a few candles if you want. Close your eyes and take a moment to reflect on your big goals and dreams. What do you want your ideal life to look like?

STEP 3: Cut out images from magazines that represent the life you want to live. For example, if you want to become a fashion designer, you might clip photos of models wearing designer clothing on the runway. If you want to find a great romantic partner, you might snip pictures of happy couples smiling at each other.

STEP 4: Place the photo of yourself or your favorite quote in the middle of the board . Then, paste or pin your magazine images on your board. There’s no “right way” to arrange your images. You can fill the board with pictures or just have a few posted all over on the board.

STEP 5: Use your markers to write your personal mantra or other favorite quotes onto your vision board. You can also just cut out words or phrases from the magazines to paste on your board, that remind you of the life you want to live.

STEP 6: Display your vision board somewhere you’ll see it every day and feel inspired! If you like, you can also frame your vision board and hang it on your wall.

And there you have it – an easy, step-by-step process for creating a vision board to help you reach your goals. I’m making mine for 2018 a little later on today! You should get started on yours too!