Best Christmas ever!


Have you ever heard someone say, “I just noh di feel Christmas this year”. Or maybe you have been missing the Christmas spirit. Celebrating Christmas as a teen is tricky. The magic has started to wear off, and you’re expected to visit with family even if you’d rather be with friends. Still, you can make celebrating Christmas this year tons of fun. Here is a list of 10 things that you can try and before you know it that special Christmas feeling will be bubbling inside you!

1. Give gifts

We hear it all the time– giving is better than receiving– and it’s true. The act of giving makes us feel good about ourselves and when we give at Christmas time, it can really boost our “Christmas spirit”.  If you don’t have much money, consider buying joint gifts. A joint gift is where you and someone else pool money and ideas to buy a single gift for someone. Or make something. Presents are about showing someone you care, not about spending a ton of money. Try to buy or make presents for: your parents, your siblings, your best friend or someone you know that is less fortunate and before you know it, that special Christmas feeling will take over.

2. Figure out what traditions your parents expect you to participate in

Sometimes the best gift you can give to your parents is to be a part of the traditions that are important to them so ask your mom and dad which traditions they expect you to be a part of and be sure to participate. Do so with a joyful spirit because that is the energy you want to spread at Christmas time.

3. Start new traditions.

Ask your parents if you can do something new at Christmas. Maybe you could try creating and giving out Christmas cards as a family or staying up until midnight on Christmas eve.

4. Do holiday activities with friends.

Although almost everyone gets busy during Christmas holidays, set aside time to go Christmas shopping or do something fun and festive with friends.

5. Watch lots of Christmas movies and specials.

So you’ve seen them a hundred times and they seem a little goofy. It’s still fun especially if you watch with friends and family!

6. Listen to Christmas music.

Christmas music is another fun way to start feeling the Christmas vibe. If you’re bored with the classics, many modern day singers do covers of classic Christmas songs and sing new Christmas songs. Create a Christmas playlist and turn it up while you’re doing your Christmas cleaning and decorating

7. Make Christmas treats.

Remember what your favorite Christmas cookies were as a child? Be sure to make some along with the other yummy things you love to eat at Christmas.

8. Spend time with younger siblings or relatives.

Offer to watch the kids while your mom goes grocery shopping, or while dad wraps presents. Watch a movie with them or read them a Christmas book. Help them write a letter to Santa. Their excitement will rub off on you.

9. Have a Christmas party.

If you want or your parents won’t let you have one alone, have a joint party with your parents. You can set up one section of the house for the adults and a separate area for the teens.

10. Write thank you notes

After Christmas write thank you notes. They don’t have to take a long time to write, and they let your relatives and friends know that you appreciated their gift. For an extra touch, include a picture of you wearing or using their gift.

Try these 10 tips and get excited for Christmas! You don’t have to be cool and mature at Christmas. Admit it – Christmas is fun and it’s that one time of year when everyone is allowed to be a kid again!

Happy Holidays everyone!