Common Courtesy


After reading the “Guardian” last week I realized that it has been about a year now since I last opened a copy of the Amandala newspaper. Honestly, I simply lost interest and I guess I have not missed much except maybe a little history from the editorials and the publisher columns but nothing from the extremist from Finca Solana who delights in taking cheap shots at our ancestors the Baymen who settled and defended this land hundreds of years ago. After reading the article on Mr. Luna I could only shake my head at the sustained crusade of one ethnic man in his quest to disparage the Creoles of our country.

One hot button issue I have followed closely in the evening news is the Senate inquiry at the immigration Department. I really am astonished at the level of underhandedness practiced by some Public Officers in cahoots with “facilitators”. We Ordinary citizens have all experienced the ordeal of trying to process a passport. First we have to suffer at Registry then we have to chase down a teacher and a JP to recommend us. When we believe we have all the documents together we then proceed to the immigration department and wait in dreadful anticipation to be sent to chase for some other signature or declaration form. All the while we know that they can assist whom they want. They can even take the photograph of a photograph if they want to. But we too poor even for common courtesy. I truly hope something positive comes out of this exercise. Not like the first senate hearing where Narda and Ralph simply laughed and walked away with their pockets full and SSB and DFC broke.

The first item on the senate’s new legislative calendar should be how to put teeth in this body’s authority to prosecute witnesses who are in contempt or refuse to testify.  I know the PUP will one day win and the time to prepare for the onslaught of crookedness is now before it’s too late and the suckers done thief all the rest of our assets. I  am afraid for them people bad. But there is always hope that one day they will re – appear as the original PUP with young patriots ready to serve and sacrifice for their country instead of raping it. Belize.