Belmopan Teacher missing, her vehicle found burnt with body inside


Concerns continue to mount for a teacher, Pamela Lino, out of Belmopan who has been missing for a few days after her vehicle was found on fire at mile 21 on the George Price Highway. When the fire was finally extinguished, the badly burnt remains of a person was found inside.

Hattieville Police reported that they last spotted the vehicle, a Kia Sportage SUV, at around 2:30a.m. on Tuesday, May 2 at their checkpoint. They say that the driver of the vehicle was approaching the checkpoint, when he/she realized that police intended to search it. That driver immediately turned the vehicle around and sped off back to the direction of Belmopan, and realizing something suspicious, officers set chase after the vehicle in their police mobile.

The person managed to evade the police, who kept searching the highway and they spotted the vehicle on fire on the shoulder of the George Price highway at mile 21. That’s the Gracie Rock junction, near the Hostel’s compound. Police say that by the time they got close, it was almost fully engulfed in flames, and the fire service had to be called in to get the blaze under control. When the officers searched it, they found the charred remains of a person, but the damage was so extensive, that the authorities cannot tell if it is a male or female.

In the meantime, the owner of the vehicle cannot be located, despite the best efforts of both the police and her friends in Belmopan and San Ignacio. Officially, she is not missing, because a missing person’s report has not been made to the police as yet. Co-workers from the Belmopan school she taught at say that she didn’t show up for work on Tuesday.

The priority at this time, is try to get an ID on the body found in the burnt-up vehicle. Meanwhile there are reports that Lino a well known and liked teacher from Belmopan was a victim of domestic violence and police are investigating this closely to determine the body’s identity and the possible killer or killers.