A shining light


It’s always a good thing to step away from bad things that happen around us and take note of, no matter how seemingly insignificant, the good things.

Just such an instance is the subject of this editorial. At the offices of the Guardian newspaper we get to see all manner of things as we are smack located in one of the thoroughfares of the city, that is, the foot of the Belchina Bridge. And while the going-abouts in this neighbourhood is material enough for the writing of an entire book, we’ll focus our attention on a single everyday occurrence next door to us.

Our neighbour to our right is the Youth for the Future, which by any estimate does exceptional work at trying to save our youth. They too are not the subject of this editorial. As a matter of fact the subject is a security booth and the people who frequent it.

It’s odd for us to be pointing to this booth but such are things. Every single day, the wife of the guard who mans the booth visits and brings along with her a little boy, by our estimate he’s somewhere between five and seven years of age. The child appears to be an albino and uses glasses and seems to have difficulty seeing. It’s a marvel to us that the mother of the child along with his father attentively help him to read and do his homework every single day; it’s a kind of stellar example of parenting.

Every single day, the child’s mom sits on a grassy patch behind the security booth as the child sits in front of her, eyes fixed in his book and with the book held no more that a couple of inches from his face. By all appearances his mother and father don’t have much of an education and it would seem that this is what drives them to ensure that the little boy gets his. The all engrossing attention that this activity takes would make it appear that the child and his mother drift off to another world as they go about doing the daily reading and homework while the father stands by and simply looks on.

More than just a stellar example of parenting, it is a stellar example of motherhood. The patience that it takes to carry a child through a daily lesson is one, which some would say, they do not have. Added to this for this humble family is the fact that the child appears to have some challenges in life, but that does not deter this family unit to try to improve on its conditions.

Mother’s Day is to be celebrated this weekend in Belize and anyone who wants to see what the epitome of parenting and motherhood all they need to do is visit the small both beside Youth for the Future at the foot of the Belchina bridge between the hours of 2:30 and 5:00p.m. and see for themselves.

Happy mothers day to all whom so deserve the recognition.